- Walk under a barbell which is racked at chest height, and rest it on your shoulders behind your neck.
- Have your hands wider than shoulder width, holding the bar.
- Lift the barbell off the rack, step back, and have your feet around shoulder width apart.
- This is the starting position.
- Squat down to a controllable depth, keeping the weight going through the mid-foot area.
TIP: keep your core tight and your chest high. Keep your feet flat on the ground. - Continue this movement down until you can get as low as possible whilst maintaining correct posture.
- Explosively stand back up back into the starting position.
- Repeat for recommended repetitions.
- Improved strength of the joints, ligaments and tendons around your knees and hips.
- Improved mobility and explosive power.
- Increased muscle development in your lower body.
- Increased core strength.
- Burn more fat.
- Increase hip drive and athletic power, helping to improve speed, power, jumping and agility
Muscles Used
- Quadriceps — Primary Muscle.
- Gluteals — Primary Muscle.
- Hamstrings — Primary Muscle.
- Calves — Secondary Muscle.
- Erector Spinae — Secondary Muscle.
Ensure your knees don’t move forward and cause the heels to lift off the ground – always push through your heels.
Don’t lift a barbell that feels too heavy, and causes you to arch you back.
Keep your chest high throughout.