Barbell Box Step Ups



  • Walk under a barbell which is racked at chest height, and rest it on your shoulders behind your neck.

  • Have your hands wider than shoulder width, holding the bar.

  • Lift the barbell off the rack and have your feet around shoulder width apart.

  • This is the starting position.


  • Step up with your right foot, until your leg is straight.

  • Bring your left foot up to meet with your right foot on the box.

  • Step back down off the box, leading with your right leg, followed by your left leg, back to the starting position.

  • Repeat for recommended repetitions.

  • Swap legs and repeat the same movement.


  • Improved strength in your quadriceps, protecting your knees.

  • Isolated exercise and corrects muscle imbalances between each leg.

  • Improved balance and stability.

  • Improved mobility and explosive power.

  • Increase hip drive and athletic power, helping to improve speed, power, jumping and agility.

Muscles Used

  • Quadriceps — Primary Muscle.

  • Gluteals — Primary Muscle.

  • Hamstrings — Primary Muscle.


Always push through your heels. Don’t lift a barbell that feels too heavy, and causes you to arch you back.
Keep your chest high throughout.
Controlled movements throughout each rep.