Upper Back


  • Hold one handle in each hand, step back from where the TRX is anchored until your arms are fully extended, with your hands infront of your chest.

  • Lean backwards until the weight is being held in your arms, with the palm of your hands facing the ground – having your feet around hip-width apart.

  • This is your starting position. feet around hip width


  • Pull your chest and torso up towards the TRX handles – rotating the hands throughout this movement to have the palm of the hands facing inwards.
    TIP: Keep your elbows tight to your body when pulling the body up. Whilst bending your elbows here, ensure they are tight to the body and palms remain facing inwards.

  • Hold your position at the top for a second, and squeeze the muscles working – before slowly lowering back to the starting position.

  • Repeat for recommended sets.


  • Easy to train the upper half of your back with little equipment.

  • Hits all the major muscles in your upper back.

  • Easy to modify depending on your ability – make it easier or harder by adjusting the straps.

  • Fix weaknesses in core/shoulders stability – ultimately preventing future injuries to the lower back and shoulder areas.

Muscles Used

  • Latissimus Dorsi – Primary Muscle.

  • Trapezius – Primary Muscle.

  • Rhomboids – Primary Muscle.

  • Biceps – Primary Muscle.

  • Shoulders – Secondary Muscle.

  • Abdominals – Secondary Muscle.


Ensure your core is engaged at all times.
Do not allow the shoulders to slump.
Perform the downward phase slow and controlled.
If it feels to difficult. change the angle of the exercise to make it easier.